Caryl McAdoo
author : Caryl McAdoo
Award-winning author Caryl McAdoo loves writing historical Christian romance; her ‘Cross Timbers Romance Family Saga' series is growing by two titles a year! The prolific----fifty-plus titles to date----bestselling novelist also enjoys singing new songs the Lord gives her; some may be found on her YouTube channel. In 2008, she and her high school sweetheart-husband Ron moved from the DFW Metroplex to the woods of Red River County. With four children and eighteen grandsugars she counts as her life’s biggest blessings, Caryl believes all good things come from the Lord. Praying her story gives God glory, she hopes each one will minister His love, mercy, and grace to its readers. Caryl and Ron live outside Clarksville proper, the county seat, in the far northeast corner of the Lone Star State with four dogs and a plethora of barn cats and kittens.
Caryl McAdoo Book Series
Kentucky Bride
At Liberty to Love (Texas Romance Book 7)
Then The Deluge Comes (The Generations Book 2)
Sins of the Mothers (Texas Romance Series Book 4)
Replenish the Earth (The Generations Book 3)
Gone to Texas: Cross Timbers Romance Family Saga, book one (Thanksgiving Books & Blessings Collection One 1)
A Little Lower Than The Angels (The Generations Book 1)
The King's Highway (Days of Dread Trilogy Book 1)
Children of Eber (The Generations Book 4)
Lady Luck's a Loser (The Apple Orchard Series Book 1)
Daughters of the Heart
One and Done (Red River Romance Book 3)
Just Kin (Texas Romance Book 6)
Silent Harmony (Lockets And Lace Book 2)
Hearts Stolen (Texas Romance Series Book 2)
The Preacher's Faith (Red River Romance Book 1)
Vow Unbroken